Top 10k strings from Colossus 4 Bridge - Tutor (1986)(CDS Microsystems).tzx
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2 ;"ANY KEY TO START": 2 ;"ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 2 PLEASE STOP THE TAPE 1 with little outside it, he 1 will make things easy for 1 will lose 3 spade tricks and 1 1 will cause failure. If West 1 was no spade lead it would stillbe right to eliminate clubs and 1 vulnerable holding to the ace 1 unless he can set the clubs up. 1 trumps the third round. West hadled the 2 asking for a club 1 to the remaining heart honour. 1 this South ducks the first 1 third round and takes the ace 1 there will be no entry back to 1 then the contract will fail. If 1 the singleton. East replies 1 1 the singleton jack of spades. 1 the queen of clubs under the aceand won the third round with thejack. 1 the jack of diamonds and there 1 the grand slam. 1 the diamonds. The diamonds must 1 suits and a singleton must be 1 still take the diamond finesse. 1 still holds the lead. He can 1 still be timed correctly or 1 spades and doubletons in the redsuits. He therefore has 3 clubs.If he has the queen and jack 1 spades and 3 diamonds in an 1 spade. Why? because if East 1 spade to show the five card suitat the first opportunity. West 1 south wins with the ace and 1 so has no qualms about bidding 1 shuts out West. 1 second round finesse as long as 1 rounds of clubs and exits with aspade. This guarantees the 1 right partner! 1 rebids the spade suit and now 1 queen. A diamond goes to the 1 queen and king but South will 1 powerful 6 card suit instead of 1 pass in mind settles for 6 1 partner. It will also be vital 1 overcall, he will win and play adiamond through South's 1 originally is able to support 1 opening lead. 1 opening lead! West remains on 1 opening bid is passed out and 1 opened 1 heart - the suit below 1 of spades. The king of spades 1 now bids clubs at the two level.East gives preference: 2 hearts.West with a minimal opening handpasses. 1 not risk allowing the defence toplay two rounds of trumps. 1 not he will be exposed to a 1 next round with the ace and 1 must switch to a spade. The kingis the correct card to play. 1 minor and little else. The 1 make the contract by leading up 1 long as he ducks the diamond 1 likely to be with East for his 1 level and is able to raise with 1 letting East gain the lead. To 1 leads a trump as declarer will 1 leads a heart towards the king 1 leading his partner's suit 1 leading away from them. Had 1 lead. South ducks but takes the 1 lead through his spades as he 1 lead and later a diamond can be 1 just 3 cards. This successfully 1 it shows that you should lead upto high cards rather than 1 is sure to be with West for his 1 intending to duck in dummy. As 1 illustrates the difference 1 his strong balanced hand 1 his partner's overcall. This 1 hearts and play ace and another 1 he continues with a club, 1 have led a spade). To prevent 1 hands. West shows up with 6 1 forcing declarer to overtrump totake his own established trick. 1 for the defence if East holds 1 finessing the jack of diamonds 1 dummy, South could have thrown 1 draws trumps. He then plays 3 1 discarded on the ace of clubs 1 diamonds will provide 2 discardssufficient to guarantee the 1 diamonds to overcall at the 2 1 diamonds on the first round, 1 diamond. Once set up the 1 diamond or heart - he therefore 1 cunningly plays the queen of 1 count 10 tricks for declarer if 1 could win the trick you could 1 converts to 3NT. 1 conventionally showing a solid 1 contract. South's problem is howto set up the diamonds without 1 contract easily. Note that 1 contract as the queen of spades 1 completely he will make the 1 certainly does not have the ace 1 bid and an overcall. North knowsthat South must hold at least 5Z 1 between supporting an opening 1 be set up before the trumps are 1 attempt to count the opponents 1 another entry been required to 1 another club. South wins the 1 and they can be ruffed out with 1 and ten (West is certain to havethe ace of diamonds or he would 1 and king of trumps. North then 1 an overcall of 2 diamonds. West 1 after which he leads a diamond 1 achieve this he ducks the 1 ace. South then plays a diamond 1 a high trump. The hand must 1 Z(H,S,P)=O(H,S,P) 1 X$="023456789TJQKA": 1 West leads the king of spades, 1 West leads the ace, king and 1 West leads the ace of diamonds. 1 West leads the 3 of spades and 1 West decides to lead from his 1 V(H,S)=S(H,S): 1 This hand is not difficult but 1 The West hand with 3 four card 1 TUTOR 1 TD2D4DJDAD5D3D9DKD6DQD2S2H3HTH5HAH7HJH4HQH4SKH6HAS3S7S6SJS5SQS8SKS9S2C8HAC5C4CQC3C6C9C7DKC8D7CJCTC9H8CTS 1 T2 &0 1 South wins East's king with his 1 South starts with the ace. 1 South re-opens the bidding with 1 South plays off 3 hearts, 3 1 South must resist the temptationto take the trick. 1 South must not allow East to 1 South leads the ace of hearts tohave a look at dummy while he 1 South knows of 37 points betweenthe two hands and possibly more 1 South enquires about aces with 1 South can see straight away thathe has no chance of nine tricks 1 SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALS: 1 S2 1 S(H,S)=S(H,S)+1 1 ROM Loader 1 Q$=S$(Y(H)) 1 O$="NONN-SW-EALL": 1 North, who had to nobid 1 North opens 3D and South with 1 North leads from the sequence 1 KS4S3SASKH8H2H6H4H8SAHTHAC4C5C3C2C6CKC7CQC8CTC9C7SQSJS2S2D3DTDQDAD4D5D6DQH9S3H5SJHTS9H6S7H9D7D8D5HKDJDJC= 1 KCJC2C7C4HTH2H6HAC3C2D5CAD8D3DTDKD9D4DJD5DQDAH9C7H5HJH8HKH4C9H3H7D8C4STC6D9S6S2S3STS8SQSAS5SJSKSQC7S6CQHC 1 JD6D7D3DAD8D5DQD2D4S3SKD4C2CTCACQS6S2SAS5SJSKS2HKH3H7H5H4H9HQH6HAH8H8STHQC7S5C9CJC9S7C4D3CTSKC9D8CTD6CJH 1 J(X),K(X);C$: 1 If the North hand was without 1 However as the ace of clubs is 1 How easy Bridge is with the 1 H9.DAT 1 H8.DAT 1 H7.DAT 1 H6.DAT 1 H5.DAT 1 H4.DAT 1 H3.DAT 1 H2.DAT 1 H10.DAT 1 H1.DAT 1 For Gary Poole 1 East has shown a solid minor 1 East encourages with the 7 and 1 East deals and opens 3NT 1 Defender leads obviously high orlow requesting partner to returnthe higher or lower ranking suitremaining (excluding trumps). 1 Colossus 4 Bridge - Side A 1 Chris Birkenshaw 1 BBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGBBBBGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGEBGBBBGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGBBBBBBBBGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGBBBGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGEGGGBBBBGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGBBGGGBzzBBBGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEGGBGGGBBBBBGGBGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEGGBGGBBBBBGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGBBBBBBBBGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGBBBBBBGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGBBBBGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGBBGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 AH7H4HTHKS3STS6S5SQSAS7SJS4C4S8S9STC2H6C2SJH3H7C9H4D6HQH3D2DJD7DAD2C5D9DKD3C6D5HQD5CQC8HTD8CKHJC8D9CACKCP 1 AH2H4H7H5HKH6H9H2D4DJDTDAD4S5D7DKD5C6D8D5SAS2S3S8H3HJH3D6S8SKSJSTS2C7SQS9S6C3C9DQDTC8C7C4CJCAC9CTHQHQCKC 1 AD8D7D3DKDTD4D5D2DJD3H6D2CJCAC7C9DQD4H5HAH2H7H3S8H6HKH4CKC9C5S3CTCQCJH5C8S2SKS6STS7SAS4SJS6C9H9STHQSQH8C 1 AC2C4C8CKC7C5CTC3CJC6CQCAS3S6S4S2SJSKSTS2H6HKH8H4D6DQDKDJDAD8D7D5D3D7S2D4HAH3HJHTHQH9D5H5SQS8STD9C7H9H9S 1 A$="SHDC": 1 A$="AKQJT": 1 ;Y$;" by ";I$(E+1 1 ;P$(S)(J);" ": 1 ;P$(S)(J);" " 1 ;N;" POINTS" 1 ;I$(U(X));" ";X$(C(X));S$(Y(X)): 1 ;"WITH, 1-9, THEN HIT ENTER" 1 ;"PRESS R FOR DOUBLE DUMMY": 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT": 1 ;"PLEASE RESTART THE TAPE": 1 ;"OTHERWISE HIT ANY OTHER KEY." 1 ;"N+S W+E": 1 ;"LOADING": 1 ;"ENTER THE HAND YOU WISH TO START": 1 ;"DEALER:";I$(B+1 1 ;"ANY KEY TO CONTINUE": 1 ;"ANALYSIS:P. Dunsby" 1 ;"ANALYSIS:J.M. Burkinshaw" 1 ;"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" 1 ;" ";S$(S): 1 ;" ";S$(S) 1 ;" " 1 987 picking the 8 to show a MUD 1 8D3DTDKD4D9DQDAD5HKH4H2H5D7D3H2DAS2S3S4S7SQS6H5S6D5CJHJD8S8HAH6S7HTH2C9HKSTS8C3C9SJSQH4CQCKCAC6CTCJC9C7C 1 7N2NNB7NNBNBNB 1 6HNBNB2HNB3HNB4NNB5HNB6HNBNBNB 1 4NT and with North's initial 1 4H1HNB3HNB4HNBNBNB 1 4H1C1NNB3HNB4HNBNBNBNB6HNBNBNB 1 3S2SKSAS2D9D4D2H5S4STSQS6DTDJD4CAD5C9C3DKD7CJCQD8D6S9S7S7D4H3H9H5D8S8HJS3C8CKC2CACTC6C6HTHAH5HJHQC7HQHKH 1 3N3NNBNBNB 1 3N3DNB3NNBNBNB 1 3N1C1S3NNBNBNB 1 3D1SNBNB2D2S3DNBNBNB 1 2S1SNB2SNBNBNB 1 2H1HNB1SNB2CNB2HNBNBNB 1 +S)(S(H,S))=X$(P): 1 *C);" VULNERABLE" 1 );" ";R(29 1 ),Y(H),C(H))=0 1 ),Y(H))=S(R(4 1 ));" to lead": 1 ));" on lead": 1 (N)+".DAT" 1 &Hi-Tec Software Ltd / CDS Microsystems 1 %TZXed by Andrew Barker 1 " by ";I$(E+1 1 " ";P$((R(8 1 " ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"